

The scientific goal of the IS QGSKY  - The IS QGSKY focuses, from a side,  on the formal aspects of Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and General Relativity (GR), from the other side, it covers a wide topics, ranging from phenomenology of particle physics to cosmology and astrophysics. More specifically, our project study gravitation and physics of the Universe within the framework of fundamental QFT and extended theories of gravity, as well as, the phenomenology of the various phenomena related to astrophysical and cosmological scales, that cannot be understood within the framework of GR.

Research units: Napoli, Salerno, and Trieste (SISSA).

Common threads of the IS: Extended theories of gravity; Non-local QFT and non local theories of gravity; QFT in curved spacetime, The problems of Dark Matter and Dark energy, Astrophysics.

Local activities:

Gravitation, QFT, Neutrino physics, Astrophysics, Astroparticle and Cosmology

Main equipment:

The activity of the Salerno unit is mostly within software development. The group has a small computing centre (about 100 cores), twelve GPUs for heavy computing and about 20 TB storage including tape backup. An industrial 3D printer can be used to produce prototypes for mechanical parts

The local group:

V. Bozza, A. Capolupo, L. Fatibene, G. Lambiase, G.G. Luciano  L. Mastrototaro, S. Pietroni,  A. Quaranta, P. Rota, A. Stabile, A. Tedesco 

Local P.I.:

Gaetano Lambiase (lambiase@sa.infn.it)

National Coordinator

Gaetano Lambiase